
Projects are a way to combine other resources to do work and provide value

Project Dashboard Card

Project Card

Project Steps

Project steps house and categorizes the details of a project.

Project Steps


Open parameters

Step parameters are sometimes closed by default. To see the parameters, click the Parameters - header.

Step Parameters

Edit a step

Click the pencil in the top right of a step to edit it. This will open up functionality such as removing assets from a list and running tasks.

Step Edit

Select assets

While editing a step, you can click on assets to select them. The total number of assets selected will be displayed below the table.

Step Select Asset

Remove selected assets

While having selected assets, there is an option to remove the selected assets from the project.

Confirmation needed. This action will request confirmation be proceeding.

Requirement: Version 0.3.3-24

See and access the current versions of the application here.

Step Select Asset Remove

Run task on selected assets

While having selected assets, you can run tasks on the assets for given asset types. The count in the brackets shows how many assets this task will run for and the button will queue the tasks.

Step Select Asset Run Task

Create land project

Land projects can be created from land assets. Select some land assets and run task.

This task requires setup for a team. Email to get set up!

Step Select Asset Create Land Project

After running, open the task run info dialog to find a link to your new project

Step Select Asset Land Project Link